Chelsea Pottenger

Director & Founder EQ Minds


Chelsea is a psychology postgraduate, internationally accredited mindfulness and meditation practitioner, The Gidget Foundation Ambassador and author of ‘The Mindful High Performer’.

Featured on Channel 9, ABC News, Marie Claire and Women’s Health, and with high-profile clients including Crestron, Westpac, eBay, Brookfield, Macquarie, Estee Lauder, Optus and Google, Chelsea will empower you to take control of your mental wellbeing and be more efficient, resilient and happy.

High Performers: Driving Wellbeing and Outperformance

Give your team lifelong tools to adopt into their daily routine to reduce stress and burnout. Chelsea Pottenger is a psychology postgraduate, an international motivational speaker and accredited mindfulness and meditation coach. Chelsea has worked with many of the world’s leading brands. She will give your team lifelong tools to adopt into their daily routine to reduce stress and burnout. Helping them tap into positive energy and build resilience.


Sorted by order of appearance

Andrew Higgs

Regional Solutions Specialist Lead – Teams Rooms Asia: Australia, Asia-Pacific,...

David Nemeth

David Nemeth

Video Conferencing Service Manager, InBuilding Technology - Large ”Big Four”...

Hadeer Al Suhairy

Hadeer Al-Suhairy

Head of InBuilding Technology, Workplace Services & Contact Centres, Infrastructure,...

Jason Flynn

Jason Flynn

Principal – Modern Work & Security Global Black Belt, Microsoft


Lucy Debono

Director of the Modern Work Business Group for Microsoft ANZ
